Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Updates, & Fast, simple, and easy outfit(s)

Hello lovelies! So there really isn't anything going on in WoozWorld at the moment so I thought I'd do some updates!! And plus how to do fast, simple, and easy outfit(s) with just on shirt.


So lately I've been really busy with school, and friends! Friday I won't be posting due to me going home and spending the night with my best frannnddd C: I don't have a lot of updates really other than this.. So let's go to the next!

                                 Fast, simple, & easy outfit(s)

Ok! So I'm going to show you all the cute outfits you can put together by just one shirt !! x)

1)Shirt: For the shirt I'm just going to be using a basic Black Tank Top along with a Plaid Schoolgirl Skirt. and Winter Ballerina's as shoes. The hair doesn't really matter you can use whatever you want.

2) Shirt: So your going to use ur  Black Tank Top again and this time your going to use for shorts WoozWorld Tack Pants  and shoes your going to use any type of slippers or ankle bracelets. and for hair your going to use Anything that pulls up (like a Spar Bun or Pony-Tail)

Outfit 1
Outfit 2

3) Black Tank Top
   Slim Jeans(black or original color)
   Guy's Tom (any color :I)
  Hair(I used rebellion but any kind of hair)

Ok lovelies that's all for today! x) Hope you all enjoyed this short post, and sorry for the rush xP  And sorry for the crappy edits again!! ;3 Still trying to get better at them...but hope you enjoy!
