You guys alllllwaaaaayyyysssss ask us "how do I become a part of this blog?" , "What else is there to do on this blog?" "How do I find the email to contact the owners?" etc. Well, in this tab we're are going to help you navigate around this blog! ;) So let's begin ~
To join this blog, click the "Become A Blogger" tab or CLICK HERE.
There is activities for you to do on this blog such as: watch music videos, send in stories, and more! You can find those, by clicking the "ActivitieZ" tab or CLICK HERE.
If you look in the "Site Stats" located on the left sidebar you can find basically all the info of this blog. Our contact email, all the official/trial bloggers, etc.
Wanna know the latest trends in Woozworld from season to fashion? Click the "StyleZ" tab or CLICK HERE
You can also send in fan art that will get posted here on Burst! You can do that, by clicking the "Fan Art" tab or CLICK HERE
If you have a favorite blogger & you wanna know what days they post so you won't miss 1 single post, you can check out the "Schedule" tab or CLICK HERE
Now, you can listen to music while surfing the blog! If you look on the right sidebar there is a "Burst Playlist" Yes, we do update the music btw XD
Looking for a specific thing on this blog? There is a search bar on the top of the right sidebar. It will search anything on this blog with the keyword you type in.
Need anything else? Let us know!