There is only 3 Slides,so don't expect a whole bunch of clothes
So if you enjoy the " Traditional Woozmas" , Go take a peak in the shopz :D Honestly,I kinda like how they have 2 options for Woozmas. You can relax on the beach,in Logan's idea of Woozmas,Or our Woozmas,in the snow.
Now,onto the New Photo Contest, IN WOOZWORLD!! (Owned by Bleaty).
So right now I'm starting a Photo Contest.*Translation:A Woozworld contest,which you take a picture of the theme I tell you.*So here are the steps,in order to get involved in this Contest :)
1.)Go take a picture of the theme: Spectacular Woozmas
2.) Put the picture in an albumz called: Bleat y Spectacular Woozmas Contest.(Or even better,Post it on your wallz. Makes it easier for me to find & You'll get Woozups (Wink Wink)
3.)Message me you entered AFTER,You click the picture & comment down bellow.(Yours MUST be MORE Spectacular than mine :3)
4.) The deadline is in...5 days,So on Christmas Eve .I'll be announcing on the 25th,If Penny lets me post.If not then next time I see you again C:.
5.) Oh I bet your all waiting for this...The Prizes :D I will have 20 winners.There will be 3 rounds for this.In the end,3 people (Or 5) Will get a prize from me.
6.)I am marking you on
1.) Creativity
2.) Winter Outfit (or Summer if your doing Logan Woozmas)
3.)Background (Winter-ie Or Woozmas-ie )
4.)Doing it with a positive mood.Negative people are mean-ies D:. Jk But still.
Well,those are all just the basic facts.Please feel free to message me about any further concerns .Untill tomorrow Bursties :3 Bleaty singing out!