Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Im back!!!+Getting Caught Up!

Hey Burstie Baes, it's Lily! And I'm back! The reason why I haven't posted for my last 2 says is well, I don't wanna talk about it.. :/ But no worries, I'm fine! ;D I know I'm going to have a short post because I'm not on track and my reminder forgot to remind me about Burst today, so yeah :/
    I see my last quiz was a hit, I haven't had time to make a new one, so next one will be Thursday! I wanna mention I'm trying somehting new today, I'm going to do "Shoutoutz!" If you don't know what that is and youre intrested read on: Shoutoutz! is where I'll have a contest everyweek, you'll get a shoutout on the blog, but only if you bass with a 95% or above!!
     I also see WNTM is a huge hit! I see, I see.

Er.. I don't have my sign-off photo because I'm on a new computer wich means, new speed, and no viruses!!!  A new one is under construction!!

Thanks for staying patient with me until I'm back to good!! Thursday I'll be all caught up!
Until next time,
Stay Prissy Burstied!