Friday, October 17, 2014

Top 4 Fashion Icons in the 21's Century! :D

Hey guys! So I wanted to show you all the fashion icons through out history!  And I thought that it would be nice to just see them and understand that fashion isn't only a girly thing, it's actually a fun thing. . By the way, MyaWooz Should really interview all of them . Here we go!

First off, we have of course, Calvin  Klein!
in 1968, Klein founded Calvin Klein Limited, a coat shop in the in New York City, with $10,000. The first Calvin Klein collection was a line of "youthful, understated coats and dresses" featured at the New York City store,
In September 1969, Klein appeared on the cover of  magazine.
That was a little history lesson on Calvin Klein's first design.

Next, We have one of my FAVORITE designers!
Vera Wang
Anways,Vera Ellen Wang was born and raised in New York City, and is of Chinese descent. Her parents were born in Shanghai, China, and came to the United States in the mid-1940s. Her mother, Florence Wu, worked as a translator for the United Nations , while her father, Cheng Ching Wang, owned a medicine company. Wang has one younger brother, Kenneth.
Wang graduated from The Chapin School in 1967, attended the University of Paris and earned a degree in art history from Sarah Lawrence College Wang began figure skating at the age of eight. While in high school, she trained with partner James Stuart, and competed at the 1968 US. Figures She was featured in Sports illustrated in the January 9, 1968 issue. When she failed to make the US Olymipics team, she entered the fashion industry.

Then we have the lovely, creative KIMORA LEE SIMMONS!
Simmons was born in St. Louis, Missouri, Her Japanese mother, Joanne Perkins, was adopted by an American serviceman during the Korean War and raised in the USA. She later worked as an administrator for Social Security. Kimora's father, Vernon Whitlock Jr., is African American, and worked as a Federal Marshal, an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigator, a bail bondsman, and later became a barber in St. Louis. He was sentenced to 24 years in prison when Kimora was in grade school for distribution of narcotics. Whitlock was released after three years, after turning state's evidence against his supplier. Her parents split up and she was raised by her mother.
Growing up in the northern St. Louis suburb of Florissant, Missouri Kimora was the target of schoolyard bullying and teasing, because of her height (she was 5 feet 10 inches (1.78 m) tall by the time she was 10 years old) and mixed ancestry. To help her, Simmons's mother enrolled her in a modeling class when she was eleven years old. Two years later she was discovered by Marie-Christine Kollock (a representative for seminal Paris Agency Glamour) at a Model Search in Kansas City (organized by Kay Mitchell) and sent to Paris. Simmons is a graduate of Lutheran North High School in St. Louis, Missouri.
Last but not least, We have Miss Betsey Johnson!
Johnson's fashion career started after she entered and won the madamosielle Guest Editor Contest. Within a year, she was the in-house designer for Manhattan boutique Paraphernalia. Johnson became part of both the youthquake fashion movement and Andy Wharthol's underground scene, along with The Velvet Underground  Edie Sedgwick and  Lou Reed. In 1969, she opened a boutique called Betsey Bunky Nini on New York's Upper East Side. Edie Sedgwick was her house model and Johnson designed the clothing Sedgwick wore on her last film, Ciao, Manhattan!
In the 1970s, Johnson took control of the fashion label "Alley Cat" which was popular with the rock'n roll musicians of the day. In her first year, her debut collection for Alley Cat reportedly sold $5 million in volume. In 1972 she won the Coty Award.
In 1978, Johnson started her own fashion line. In contrast, her second collection did not sell well, leaving her with 3,000 pieces of spring clothing and insufficient funds to stage a 1981 fashion show to sell them and Johnson opened a retail store in the SoHo area of New York City. She designed the dress that Lisa Loebwore in the music video for her 1994 hit Stay ( I Missed You ) . In 2002, Johnson was inducted into the Fashion Walk of Fame. Her bronze plaque held one of her original sketches. In 2003, she expanded her line for 2004 to include handbags, accessories, hats, and scarves.

So that's all for today guys! Tune in Next Week when I give some fashion tips!

Remember, strut you're stuff! 
Quick Photo of Me. xD  Bye!

Ps, all credits go to Wikipedia, the  the free encyclopedia.