Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Last Post as Trial Blogger + Judging Outfit of the Day :)

Hey guys! As I said yesterday, i'm going to make it up to you guys, and that's that. And time has gone so quick hasn't it? Already my fifth post! Wow. So i'm guessing Pinky or Penny will decide. If I make it, I will TRULY commit on being on this blog. :-)

Anyways, I have picked an outfit from Woozworld, and have judged it on my own. So let's get started!

Model: piperpepsi
Hair: Nice flowing braid. The Bangs are absolutely cute. Nothing wrong with this. Like the '' Katniss '' Look. Overall 10/10

Torso: I love the design on the tube top. I don't really see anyone wear this top much in Woozworld anymore. It used to be actually iconic. It could of been a little more sassy. Like a type of neck-line. Overall 7/10.

Skirt: The skirt is ''AIGHT'' It could've been more  fun... kind of boring. Overall 3/10

Shoes: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOES I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!! I LOVE The popped socked like the person that's wearing it is ''cool''. Overall 1000/10.

That's all for today! Cya guys!

Stay Sassy McFrassy. - Nic