Friday, June 19, 2015

#FashionWithCutie: SOTW Outfit Review

Hey guys! Sorry I did not post on Sunday. I had to study for most of the day. I literally stayed up to like 1:30 the next day to study... BUT EXAMS ARE OVER and school is ending. THIS MEANS MORE TIME TO POST!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today, I will be reviewing the star of the week outfit review.
First off, CONGRATULATIONS TO MICKEFAV!!! I absolutely love this outfit!! The red stands out. I love how she paired the logan waves with a cute festival/summer type dress! It is literally perfect for a night out or just on the boardwalk at a beach! LOVE IT, GIRL!!

Okay, so that is all for today. Sorry for such a short post. NEW SIGNOFF PHOTO :D