Thursday, September 11, 2014

Store Updates, 9/11, New Style Me Up Outfit Available, And Inspiring Others.

Good Evening, Bursties.

It brings me much pleasure to announce, three things. One, I am posting early, although there is a possible chance that I could either one, forget on Saturday, or simply decide not to, so this will be my backup post if I forget, and it's basic news that I recently discovered and wanted to be the first one to give the big news about the recent update to the Store. Two, the signoff photo is coming along lovely. It will most likely be out this Saturday or next Tuesday, so do stay tuned. Three, I have a backup signoff photo that will be used until the real one arrives. Let's jump right into the updates in the Store!

  • The Store was recently updated with lovely designs that one, have to do with fashion and two, of course, DOMO.

This outfit was realeased at 3:53 PM on Thursday, September 11th, 2014. I, personally, think it is lovely looking and you can tell by the designs that bangs123 worked quite hard on this. I will be doing a review on this outfit on Saturday, so stay tuned, my lovelies. Again, It's stunning. Definitely congratulate her on her wall.

  • Before I continue, I'd like to talk a moment and discuss 9/11 with all of you, viewers. It is a sensitive subject, so please read this and understand that many lives were lost, and it is not a laughable matter. 
On 9/11, in 2001, a group of terrorists called al-Qaeda attacked the Twin Towers. Two planes crashed into the towers, both hijacked by members of the terrorists group. Four planes were crashed on that day, two in New York, one in a field in another state which most believe was heading towards the White House, based on the direction it was going, but the passengers took back control, but unfortunately, it crashed. No people survived that. Another plane also crashed into the Pentagon. This is a very sensitive subject. It is the most devastating things that has ever happened in U.S. History. More people died than in Pearl Harbor. Please take a moment to honor and remember all of the people who lost their lives due to this terrible attack. Thank you.

  • Again, I'd like to ask you to remember and honor every single person who lost their life in this tragic event. It was a devastating time in U.S. History, and was necessary to discuss in this post. Thank you for taking the time to read this. 
Moving onto a lighter note, Woozworld has recently updated their Store with new DOMO items, woohoo! Here's a photo of the new items.

I couldn't say the photo of a DOMO doll farting is lovely, but the tops are darling. They are quite pricey, but I am not going to go into big detail about that. There are hundreds of theories out there about Woozworld, saying they are going broke, or they want more money. Do not believe any of them. Woozworld's money is none of our business, yes, they are pricey, and you may be angry about that, and have a right to be, but do not start rumors. 

I hope my post was somewhat entertaining to all of you. I've been receiving so much support lately saying, ''You're sooo inspiring'', ect. ect. and I wanted to thank all of you so much. Inspiring others gives me such a joy, and I want all of you to have the goal to inspire others too. It brings you such joy, emotionally, and it's just, lovely to help others. Okay, signoff time. Bye!!profile
Click on my photo to go to my WoozIn.