Thursday, April 24, 2014

Scammer Alert! :O

Hey woozens :D
LadyLilax here for a news burst!
So today I was roaming around Woozworld's Hot Unitz  when this unit topped number with more than 50 woozens! A big number it truly is! I visited the unitz and asked some woozens what's happening and they told me that a scammer is having an unlimited free time.

I don't really understand what unlimited free time meant. If it is a free time for a lot of things be given or the things given wont  run out no matter how many woozen got that certain thing. I wasn't able to get in to know more because of the line was too long. Just remember woozens not to support them. This woozens who can scam or hack are really talented and knowledgeable people but always remember that even though what they are doing is really nice and uplifting. it is also bad and can ruin Woozworld. This is all woozens. 
Stay rocking and keep visiting Woozworld burst for more news and a whole lot to give!

And woozens, I also made a twitter! Through this, we can talk even if I am not online in Woozworld. I spend my day reading tweets and spamming 1D and 5SOS! So my twitter username is @primadonvts (Yes, that is a letter 'v' not 'u') So follow me guys and surely I will follow back and communicate with all of you :D

xx LadyLilax