Friday, April 18, 2014

Eggster - How To Find The Eggs

Hey guys Skyemarie here with another BLOG :D! so if u saw my last blog was about advertising for the glam girlz well I went to there concert and heres the video for those who didn't see it:
I am not gonna spoil it for you so make sure you check it out!!!!
Ok so i know I promised u guys I would do my outfit of the week but that will have to wait!! I have got something amazing that you guys may know about and its the Eggs :D!! This year woozworld came up with the idea eggster and they came with these awesome hairs tops and eggs :)! I have got some that I can show you :

there is also something you might have also noticed a little saying like this popping like nearly every minute on your woozworld screen:

Ok thats all from me guys so.....
Byee xoxoxox :D!