Monday, October 6, 2014

Newest Trial Blogger!

 Hi everyone! I'm Lily and I'm your newest (trial) blogger! I'm excited to be on Woozworld Burst! Now, let me introduce myself?

Favorite Color(s): PURPLE & BLUE
Favorite Animal: CAT
Favorite Artist: Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry
Hobbies: Art, Editing, Computering, (Is hat even a word? Idk and Idc)
Music: Pop
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays

Welllllll..... I guess that's it! :D I'm excited it be a (trial) blogger here on burst!

Wait. Let me tell you a joke! ;D
One day a man went to see a wizard, he asked the wizard to remove a curse he'd been cursed with for 40 years. The wizard agreed but said he needed to say the exact words that he'd been cursed with
  The man says without hesitation "I now pronounce you husband and wife"
I love jokes!
Until next time