Sunday, October 5, 2014

Halloween Outfits!/Sorry!

Hey, guys! It's me, ItsDelilah (LiviCx still for now...)! The new Halloween outfits are out! Pretty Little Mystery is over, apparently. (?) But the Halloween outfits are so yaaasss!!! xD Have you seen them? I love them so much. So, I've decided that I'm going to be doing an outfit review on them! I don't know if someone else did this, but if someone else has, I'm sorry. Let's get started! Also, sorry for not posting yesterday! Family issues ... :P

Pumpkie Outfit: I like it. :) I like the dress and the baret on the hair. :) It looks like the top of a pumpkin! xD. Although you cant see the legs on the picture I've seen them before and they're basic but cute, and I love it! Although the hair is just like that one hair but with a baret on it...
Rate: 8/10

Kattitude Outfit: I am in love with this outfit. I love the dress, the tights and the shoes. It doesnt look as halloween-like as the other one, which is good in my opinion because you can wear it at any time of the year! I love the cat cap, even though it's the WNS country hair with a cap on it.. It's not original but it's definitely cute and looks good with any outfit! :) The dress is to die for. Original, cute, spunky and very... Katerific! Multi-colored is always nice. I have seen the tights and I like them, long and looks good with the dress. Especially in black. The shoes I've also seen, amazing. Cute heels that look good with anything, especially in gray and black or white. Overall this outfit is simple, halloween like, and one of woozworld's best, in my opinion
Rate: 9/10

Pumpbro Outfit: I like it. It doesnt seem very pumpkin-ish, though. Unlike the girl outfit. But I like it. Like the Kattitude Outfit, you can wear this outfit at any time of the year. The hair is very plain but at least they added a pop with the pumpkin themed cap! :) I personally like it, but it's the same as every other cap, like the WNS DJ cap. The shirt is perfect. I like the scary pumpkin face and I like how it gives a pumpkin look but also a look that you can wear with any outfit. The pants are very plain, but pants that are plain are O.K., I guess. The shoes I can't see and haven't seen yet. But oh well.
Rate: 7/10

Katastrophe Outfit: My favorite Boyz outfit. It's amazing, in my opinion. It sticks with the theme and it's very halloween-like. Sort of. It's so boy-ish, not to sound sexist, and the sweatshirt is very casual and scary xD LOVE IT. The hair is amazing and is very original, not a copy from any other hair that I can think of, at least.  The pants are very plain but I didn't expect something far out. The shoes, you can't see.. But they're pretty chill. This outfit is to die for and it's the perfect halloween/fall outfit!
Rate: 10/10

Sorry I couldn't get individual pics.. When I tried downloading them individually they turned out as links to buy the outfits! So I just got them all together. I rated them in order! Anyways, I love these outfits and they're very nice. Maybe not original, but unique. Please keep in mind that all of these reviews/rates are based on MY OPINION, and only my opinion. You might think differently and that's okay, but don't be mean about it! Thank 'ya! xD. Thanks for reading, guys! Again, I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. I had some personal family issues going on .. Funeral... I didn't even get to tell Penguins or Pinklover and I apologize.

Okay, see you all Saturday! (This time, I will post xD)

~LiviCx (ItsDelilah, bah)