Good Evening, Bursties.
Recently, I logged onto Woozworld, only to find that their WoozNews was, indeed, updated. Aside from that, it also had the word {DOMO} printed all over it. I have heard the product name come up rarely, but I do think that it is a lovely thing that Woozworld wants to change it up. They have had Monster High, Bratz, and One Direction. Girls desire all of these things, what about our boy woozens? I believe it's lovely that they are giving our boys a product to support that is simply something they'd enjoy. Now, I'm not saying that boys only like {DOMO}, girls can love it too, it's fuzzy and lovable, sure.
My goal in today's post is to simply one, get #DOMO trending in our chatbox, two, inform the Woozworld Burst viewers on the stunning new furniture and clothing in the Store, and three, review the chatbox rules, because a majority of our viewers who choose to write their comments in the chatbox, have been posing as bloggers, our owners, and well-known woozens, which is absolutely unacceptable, period. More on that later, let's jump right into the rules of getting #DOMO trending, shall we?
There is instructions on how to get #DOMO trending, and rules. The instructions on how to do this are simple. You type in your nickname into the box, then click enter message, and type in a comment. It can be {The furniture is breathtaking!} or {I have a stuffed DOMO! Sooo fuzzy!}, and click shout. The rules are simply, one, no posing as an animator, well-known woozen, blogger, owner, anyone to say this comment. If you are not comfortable saying your name, just say the first initial as the nickname, that's all. Let's get it trending in our chatbox, guys!
Setting that lovely topic aside, let's discuss the exclusive furniture and clothing items in the Store, this week.
I am simply adoring the female's hair, the men's though? Not so much. Those sideburns are a bit overdone. Overall, this collection is quite amazing. Shoutout to our hard-working designers, Go Woozworld Team!
Lastly, I'd like to review our chatbox rules. The behavior that has been going on in there is completely unacceptable. First, I'd like to address the posing that has been going on. Animators, Woozens, Bloggers, Owners, all of them were posed as last week. It is unimaginable that you all would do that. Please remember that this chatbox is property of the Woozworld Burst blog, and you need to treat it with respect, and think before you type.
Thank you for reading, and I am excited about getting #DOMO trending. Supporting Woozworld is something that we do need to do often, and this is a great way to simply show support. Also, major apologies to all of the viewers, I did not post on Tuesday, and I %150 apologize to all of you. I hope this post was entertaining enough to make up for it. I am trying my very best to stay on schedule, juggling school, homework, the school newspaper, Woozworld Burst, and dealing with unwelcome unitz, so please know that I always will make up for my missed days, and always will give major apologies whenever I miss a day. Woozworld Burst is a huge priority, but it is hard, being someone who is simply disorganized, to juggle all of the things I have to. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Saturday.