Saturday, September 27, 2014

Skin/eye color match-up! **GIRLS**

Hey, bursties! It's me, ItsDelilah (Still LiviCx for now)! Last week, I made a post about color codes for the fall! Apparently it helped a lot of you guys and some of you guys used the color codes for your fall outfits :-)  So because of the success of that post, I have come back with a new post :) This post isn't filled with color codes, but with tips! A lot of you guys like to/would like to change up your looks on Woozworld by not always having the same  colocodes , eye code, ect. Some of you guys know what colors you like to wear when changing up you look and are more experienced with switching it up every time you get a new item. Some of you aren't and might need some help on maybe what color lip to wear with your skin? Or what eye color? What color brings out my skin/eyes? Well, that's why I'm going to be helping you! Enjoy! o:

**I am only doing the 3 most popular skins because if I did every skin the post would be too long! Also, this post is meant for people who like the cute makeup skin, because that's also the most popular girls face!**
Let's begin with what goes best with the palest skin, one of the most popular skins! (Model; heytheredelilah)

Peachy lip color and dark eyes always looks great with pale skin! The peach lip sticks out but not too much, where it looks almost crazy, and the eyes pop out because of the other colors on her.
Eye color code: 0fbfbf
Lip color code: ffa7a7

Second palest skin:

Bright pink lip color looks amazing with the pale-ish skin! The blues eyes POP like no other and with the pink eye color the overall look is POP-a-licious c;
Eye color code: 42EFF6
Lip color code: FA74DF

And lastly, the tan skin:

A lot of things go with the tan skin really well, but I think that lip color goes with it perfectly :)  It looks so bold and it looks very nice and, chic! :D I love it so much, and I see a lot of people wearing their lips and eyes with this skin and it's a good thing, it's the best match.
Eye color code: 5AE9CB
Lip color code: C04374

Oh, and one last thing: To get your lips bold like my model's instead of like this:
But like this:

(if you can see the difference)

Just go on world, click on 'options' which is placed by your votes, and then go to picture quality. It is automatically set to normal. Change it to 'high'. Change your hair and refresh your Woozin!

That's all for today, guys! See you!
