Monday, June 23, 2014

Words hurt!

Hey everyone,
So today there is this woozen which will remain a secret he has been picking on everyone in woozen quests he is being really mean and treating people like they are rubbish. Well i can tell anyone who has got picked on by him your not rubbish your amazing <3 It annoys me thought as he was saying everyone was POOR but him and he pretended to have deadmau but couldnt even put it on. BUT there is no such thing as POOR they are just people who are new i remember when i first joined i was a newbie and had nothing. I Was at a adoption centre saying some please adopt me. Nobody had pc me then this girl pc me saying nobody will adopt you because you are POOR. If anyone calls you poor just ignore them because its really just the personality that matters.
Why cant everyone just be friends? People ask well there is always going to be bullies and we cannot do anything about it but if someone picks on you or hurts your feelings ignore them you are amazing the way you are. And if bullying or cyber bullying effects you in day to day life please tell a adult and see if they can sort it out.

Well thats all i got time for today,this post was just to show words hurt.
What do you guys think on my post? Leave a comment on the chat box :)