Sunday, March 16, 2014

New Ouftis :D

Hey what's up guys, It's Kiid! this post was suppose to be up yesterday but my laptop had some few crashes not allowing me to open tabs. But it's fixed x) This is just a late post :)

Well the new outfits are pretty cool wont you say? In my opinion the guy outfits always look bad mostly because they always create stuff they already had. The shirt for the spring casual was the same shirt they used for a Ice Cream Dude outfit in summer 2013. And the spring beach dude just looks so bad. who wears shorts that high up v-v xD  and the shirt just looks like a girl shirt tbh ,_. And don't get me started on the model, he looks like he got raped by a dorito. (excuse my language xD) Sorry that's just my rant. But they still look cool I guess :-

The girl outfits do look good infact. Buut sorry if this sounds offensive, the spring casual girl makes it look like she has a big forehead. xD But yeah, these outfits are pretty unlike the guys, it's always easy to make good outfits for girls because they know they like those tight skinny jeans and short shorts, and cute boots, and nice hais with bows and earings, and ugh :'c Well that's it im done complaining. 

Also before I end, I like the fact that they made 4 complete outfits 12.99 because thats a cheaper price. I enjoy this idea. They should really keep it :-)

Well that's it, sorry this post was long, the pictures take up some good space. But yeah thanks for reading until thursday bursters! -Woozworld name; Kiidrahul