Friday, March 21, 2014

GOSSIPZ! Glitz7: A bully or bullied?

Hey, Bursties <3 It's Gabz again! c; I'm still on trial, but hopefully not for long, eh? 

Okay, so today's post is all about Glitz. Recently, people have been saying that Glitz7 is not a bully and never has been. Then others say she is a bully. So, using some evidence that I gained from you woozens, I've decided to find out whether this rumour is FACT or FICTIONI think I'll start with Glitz7, as she's been accused for a long time.


Glitz7 joined 2 years ago. She is famous for bullying, but the question is:  Was it REALLY bullying? Let's take a closer look. 

These are two pics I found of Glitz bullying. There's only two! I also found a facebook post of Lat being supportive to this ''bully''. It includes her letting her feelings out about the rumours that have been happening. 


Is Glitz really a bully? 
That's for you to determined!

Okay, thats my post over :D Thanks for reading WzW Burst! You know what? Dont stop reading! XD See Yall Monday! <3