Saturday, February 22, 2014
New Member ;)
HEYYY, Itsteddyxx-x3 here. Im a new member of Woozworld Burst :D. Here's some things about me: I love to color blue, Im obssesed with gymnastics, Im a Mini Modz Designer, My Woozworld name is itsteddyxx-x3, My REAL name is Madison. Erhm, I love joining blogs and joining teams. I don't support lat nor the ducky team (sorry), I Like PaytonPop, I hate Glitz7, My bffls are ChristmasPanda and A-Rabbit (go add them :P). I'm on Wzw GamerZ and Woozworld Skittles. So like.... Um. I'll be posting posts about Drama,Mini Modz, Updates etc. Message me what you want to here about on Woozworld @itsteddyxx-x3. Byee ;)
Add me!!!