OMG! You'll never BELIEVE My Luck!
Dude, I am the luckiest Woozen ALIVE!
I have won this epic game called Lava Dots! I was the first winner of this AMAZING game on the first round EVER PLAYED! The odds are Definitely in my favor! - Hunger Games Fan
So the way the game works, is there are these dots on the ground and the owner of the unitz (this particular owner being Cyndaquil49) shouts, "RUUUUUUUUUUUN!" and everyone runs around all the lava dots, (picture down left) and after awhile of running the owner shouts, "Find A Dot!" and everyone tries to click a dot and stand on it. It's a fun redo of a running game. The prize was he just bought one of my items but it was still FUN! I hope to make this game myself later on. I hope one of you guys win this AWESOME game, too. Peace out!
(lava dot)
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