Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rainbow Looms! C;

Hey Bursties! :P
Remember bout what i said of quitting and about the messages well, the score was 43 yes and 32 no.
You know what that means! C; I'm quitting WoozWorld please do not ask for my account or stuff thank you.But, it's not EXACTLY going to be quitting my friends chloehagan and Emilixeca (On WoozWorld) like to do movie shoots and i'm their partner so i'm still on that for WoozWorld and for my quitting party! :D Anyways, i got the Rainbow Loom kit on Monday! C; If you don't know what that is
i'll show you a screen shot of it from Michaels the arts and crafts store:
Rainbow loom Kit

The rubber bands
to make the bracelets

The Rainbow Loom
Storage thing
(Sold separately)

As you can see, it's a bracelet making kit! :D It's fun and they have there
own Youtube channel: Rainbow Loom
So, you can go on and find A LOT of different bracelets to make on the Rainbow Loom! C:
I'll show a pic of the Loom too:

I think thats all from me!!! C: 