Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What could be worse??


                                Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day.
             The cloud. Draining color. What could be worse? It was said the cloud was formed with a cold current mixed with all the hate in Woozworld. Now.. without the heart symbol, you will drain out all your color, and have a very, angry face. There is hope, though. Ms. Mirage. A fortune teller. 
To protect yourself, you can either buy a heart symbol in the Woozworld store. It comes with 100 Wooz, and piece of furniture (That does nothing) Or, if you see a woozen with a heart symbol., kindly ask them if they can cure you. They may say yes. But...... The only cure lasts for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I heard there is objectives you can do to make the grey go away.. I wish everyone the best of luck in this storm!
Here is what is going on right now, what Woozworld posted.
Last week, the Woozworld Weather Bureau warned of an approaching cold front, accompanied by a strange gray cloud. We’ve now learned the truth: this cloud is the result of all the mean-spirited and hateful things Woozens (and Woozband) have done to one another. Nestling above Woozworld, this “hate cloud” is absorbing the color and joy from Woozworld and leaving us only with gray gloom and hateful faces. If you were able to protect yourself using Professor Preztige’s Boost of Love, your true loving spirit and colorful personality are protected. But for the rest of us, what can we do now?
An excentric member of the Woozworld Weather Bureau, forecaster and fortune teller Ms. Miraje, was the first to foresee an evil approaching Woozworld – and now it’s arrived. She has offered her help to combat this menacing cloud, but she’s wary of helping us: “These are the very Woozens whose behavior caused this cloud of woe, so why should I reveal all that I know? My crystal ball can light the way, but only if my price you pay.” (Did we mention that Ms. Miraje only speaks in rhymes and riddles?)
Pay a visit to Ms. Miraje in Woozworld to find out more about this cloud, and how you can get out from under it.                                                        
We need to keep our hopes up, and get rid of this.. cloud! Woozworld is depending on us to save the day! 


- Katiekat00