If you don't or if you do im still gonna tell you either way. x) Okay,
so its about Jays Freestyle Hour like duh!!! xD Our lovely CrystaleFire was first in line
for one of the lines ofc. Latinloveroo was there. x) Long time no see.
Jay are awesome unicorn (Had to be there) looked awesome and swaggy
like "your gonna be fine" "i bet your poem is awesome" to 1 help them not be nervous,
2: i didn't wanna get kicked from you unitz. Poor jay rocking the grey
cloud too. Yet he owed the look. xD No jk i do... xD Hes beard is gone into sadness!
D: Like bruh no that's just mean. :( Moving on!
Yes ofc i didn't get to meet him. xD I got on to late :( Cryy, But i did post mine on hes woozin
#WoozinSwag Omg xD Even doe hes beard gone he still the same Jay. -snapz- Llike always the poems were awesome! No wonder it takes Jay so long to decide!
Ofc the ones on woozin were awesome too! @BlueForever showed up, fleek as ever! One of the people with the heart thingy, did bring ays bread back. :D Okay moving on from my blabber. xD
The winner was.... -RihannaWW-!! :D Fantabulous girl!!! Se was so shocked. xD But girl you owed that stage! -snaps-
Okay thats all for today! I might do a Gossip With Sam Saturday! A New little try since it is MY LAST POST as a TRIAL blogger, for burst! So see ya Saturday!