once,think before you type,for it can save a life.Please Rox leave me alone.I'm tired of being bullied.I never did anything to you.And this message goes for everyone.Don't bully.It really hurts inside.I didn't think I would be having this talk with you guys again,considering I had just posted about this yesterday.if we have to talk about this again,there will be a bigger consequence.Anyways off that topic,I have some great news for you guys.We're now accepting new trial bloggers!Send in your application at the "Become a blogger" tab. :3Also,Penny has returned!She was I think taking a break from woozworld,but now we have her back.
So we'll probably be having more updates soon for you guys! :) My last thing I want to say is,Battle of The Photos has returned!! So far I have 3 applications, Me,Cutiexpiexgirl,and Ejmeto-backup.(Still has not handed it in)I will be accepting 1 more.So get your photos in!
That's mostly all for today.Remember to:STOP BULLYING! Bleaty signing out xoxo
BobIsBleaty -Bleaty xoxo