Outfit 1 |
1) Hair: Celebration Haircut. 150 beex.
Top: Light Summer Dress 150 beex.
Bottoms: Flower Jeans Mini (or any kind of shorts)113 beex.
Shoes: Winter Ballerina's 100 beex.
::OVERALL COST:: 513 beex
2) Hair: Sweet Curls. 360 beex.
Outfit -2 |
Top:Summer Dress With Purse 630 beex.
Bottoms: Any kind of shorts, short skirts.
Shoes: Sparkz Of love Sandals 420 beex.
::OVERALL COST:: 1,410
3) Hair: Maid Marian Haircut: 150 beex
Outfit 3 |
Outfit 4 |
Bottom: any kind of shorts, short skits.
Shoes: Sparkz Of Love Sandal.420 beex.
::OVER ALL COST:: 930 beex.
4) Hair:Sports Fan ponytail 360 beex Top: BeMe Shirt FREE Bottoms: WoozWorld Track Pants.472 beex. Shoes: Flashy Kicks (in boys shoes area) 100 beex ::OVERALL LOOK::::OVERALL COST: 932 beex.