Saturday, January 31, 2015

Nationz Over? :'c

Hey Sammie here :3 You may know me as samathawoo whatever. Anywayss... Nation Gamez Is Over!! I'm  so sorry to tell you this :( But eh we won't miss the little defenderz everywhere. xD  So the last eventz/party for Nationz was yesterday. It was a 4 animator event!!! Ya know its a big deal when all 4 of them show up. ;)  144 WOOZENS showed up!!!! Jay made sure all the fleek Nationz Unitz weren't forgot. Congrats if your unit won! All the animators were decked out in the NEW #zechic items that you can get in shopz! Jay ALSO made it very clear that all the Nationz Videos were AWESOME! Like ofc woozens made them! A few woozguidez showed up!! @rebecca-angel won 2nd place! Good job girl! Gotta be one awesome video. :) Poor Jenny!! Y'alls Nation Gamez videos made her emotional! :( Y'all gotta be real good film makers. Since Max was there we ofc played Crack The Code! Congrats to everyone who won that! Cx

Okay lemme get to the winners! Sso,  The winning Nationz was Cortoza! With 399,833 Defenderz Attacked!  Every woozen got over 1200 wooz! Lucky! xD The winning Wooznis was Resolute! Beexta was OneSecret! Congratz Guys!!! That must have took harrdd work!

Okay bye guys see ya Tuesday! Btw i only have 2 more post as a Trial Blogger! Keep a watch on youtube for Zombie High! My Channel Is Samathawoo Woozworld! Okay Bye!
