1.)Get An Auto Clicker.(Auto clicker clicks for you)
With auto clicker,you can sleep while still being on xD (Note: Some auto clickers don't work ,and some of the free ones,your trial will end quickly)
2.)Set the auto clicker to a place you want it to click and a time.(You can set it for every 2 minutes,4 seconds,24 hours,100 milliseconds (etc).
3.)You let it click :D I find this really nice,some consider it cheating,but I find it more of a strategy.This is how me, a non-vip person,got Jenny To add me C:
On the other hand,the other way to get into animator's eventz,is to sleep all day,then wake up at 8:00pm,and stay at the unitz for the whole night.I find this quite bad because it can Damage Your Sleep.This is why I'm not going to work at night time when I grow up.But you know,I have seen some woozens do that,which is quite surprising.Well anyways,that's all you really need to know.Message me for further instructions.Now before I go,here's the trailer for FEAR. Enjoy :)
Bleaty signing out!
-Bleaty (New sign off picture coming soon)