Color Splashers: Okay, so color splashers in an event when I mix random colors together IN AN OUTFIT and see what I get :)! So why don't we start? ;)
1. Blue, Red, Yellow :)
This one is probably gonna
my favorite ;) PERSONALLY.
Shirt: Sleeve-cut waves
Pants: Galaxy Leggings
Shoes: Rock Queen Boots
Hair: Heartva Pigtails
Can't remember color codes D=
2. Dark Blue, Light Blue, Green! :)
This one is a bit goofy, but it is
still an outfit ;D
Shirt/Dress: PeterPan Collar Ballerina.
Pants: Sasha's Xpress It Bratz Tights.
Shoes: Punk Alter Ego Shoes.
Hair: Hannaful Hair
Color Codes;
Green: 00CF06.
Light Blue: 16F4E5.
Dark Blue: 0139A1
3. Orange, Mint, Bluish Green xD
This one is also really cute, I think ;)!
It's really unique.
Shirt: Prep School Jacket for HER
Skirt: Fashionista Alter Ego Skirt
Shoes: Gold Studded Heels
Hair: CrissyCross Side Braid
Color Codes;
Mint: 1CFC9C
Orange: FD7F47
Bluish Green: 00565F
Okay, that's all! Thanks, if you read this post xD. Also, just an FYI I will not post until Sunday. Those are the 2 days that I picked to post :)! And, I will be doing the Color Splashers every Tuesday :) It's really fun xD. Until next time Bursters!
AKA Sparkletheawsome