Monday, September 8, 2014

funny statues ideas!

Heyyyyyyyy Singer here!! :D

       So i have trouble filling in my statues sometimes cause i want something unny, but i am not good at being funny on purpose! So to help you guys out i'm going to borrow a few of my favs from a few other blogs i've found. let's begin! 
From woozworld voice
1. She's not my hater, cuz' I ate her, with my gator, call a waitor, to come cater, nvm, I'll eat later, OMG, are those the Raiders?
2. the next time you go on a roller coaster bring some extra screws and say to the person ahead of you, "Hey i think these came out of your seat!" :3
3.I wonder what its like to fart in zero gravity. Does it like...propel you forward? These are things people need to know NASA!
4. . Many things give us joy in life, but not nearly as much joy as finding money in a parking lot.
5. Some days I just wish I was an octopus, so I could smack ate people at once.
6. If you ever feel like a failure, just know that somewhere in the world, someone just lost their straw inside a Capri Sun.
7. Don't treat someone like a chocolate chip cookie who treats you like a raisin cookie.
8. Oh, you lost your phone and it's on silent? That's too bad. If you liked it then you should've put a ring on it.
9. Most people say that ''Love is magic'' Just remember: Magic is an illusion (btw not everyone see love as magic for some ppl its just right)
10.My tacos arrived with a fork on the plate. I can only guess it's there to stab potential taco thieves.
So those were pretty funny, but do they top......woozworld news and help!
1.  Dear mosquitoes,I know I'm yummy but that's too much.
2. he police caught me drinking while driving..They took away my orange juice and my trycicle.(this has got to be my fav!!)
3.Bruno Mars Had A Grenade And Taio Cruz Had A Dynomite
And They Threw It Katy Perry Who Blew Out A Firework The Sound
Was So Loud Rihanna Had Memory Loss And Ran Around Saying Whats Ma Name? And Then Eminem Looked Around Saying Im Not Afraid xD
4. Good Morning Baby, Now Tell Me,
How Does It Feel To Be With The Most Beautiful Girl In The World?
5. 'You are so stylish to pick a best friend as good as me''
Ah , the wonderful way to compliment others, by complimenting your self
6. imagine if instead of raining water, the sky would rain muffins!That would be so awe.. -Gets knocked out by flying muffin-
7. I like cow because its wow.I like glue but only when its blue.At a party i just sit and eat cake cuz i can't shake.  So.. Im complicated..DEAL WITH IT!
8. Is It Just Me ..Or Do You Think Of genius Idea's In Da Shower ,But The Second You Get Out Of It..POOF! They're All Gone -_-

Ok so these are just rotfl!!!!! i love these and i hope they help! bye for now!!!! ;)
forever singer,
100% kra kra