Sunday, August 10, 2014

Season Switching

Hello Woozens. Today I am keeping it a little calm in todays post.. the last post was not pretty. I have seen news, and I have heard Wns or Woozworlds Next Star is coming up. If you havent been here for long, it is a contest that is held every year. There are many different music genres included in this such as, pop, romance, country, etc. You create a band and pick an appropriate song that includes at least one of these catagories. You can have many woozens in your band, but I dont know the limit. There are many other rules, but I dont know if they changed at all. I recommend starting to find band members right now. I am searching as well! That is pretty much it, woozens. Are you excited? Well, see you all in my wednesday post. Until then,