Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pleasing New Summer Clothes + Simply Pointless, Yes, Pointless.❤

Good Morning, Good Morning to you! ❤

Such a lovely song to start off this post, don't you agree? Speaking of loveliness, it's frosty and chilly, outside which means nothing other than it's nearing towards Fall, and Winter, and not so summer-ie seasons, and moving on with our subject of new seasons, new seasons mean new fashions in Woozworld! So far, all of the Woozens are adoring this year's WNS, which started in early august, meaning nothing else than the fact that we get breathtaking new styles! This summer, Woozworld has shined tremendously regarding their new store styles, and many Woozens are truly pleased with what they have bought over the past few months. 

Going onto a more ''serious'' note, let's talk drama. The latest drama that has been going around is between Armiin and several other individuals whom's names I do not want to state, because I am still unsure if they are still fighting with him or not, but anyhow, continuing on, he's receiving tons of hate because of his words. From what I have researched through albums and Woozen Quests, I think it's safe to announce that he has called people the following names; 

I am on no side, whatsoever, and his fights with people are none of my business, but from what I've seen, this fighting between if I may call them ''famous'' Woozens and other ''famous'' Woozens, is simply pointless. Bickering back and forth about who's right and who's wrong is, yes, simply pointless. Woozworld is a beautiful website that we are all lucky to be on, and we should cherish our journey on here, but instead people waste their time fighting over pointless things, instead of actually enjoying friends and the experience on here. 

With that said, I'd like to make one more statement before I end this post. My main goal when I wrote this was no other than to explain that forgiveness isn't for the other person's sake, but for yours, so you can let go of all the pain, and not have it weighing you down. Sometimes letting go is for you, and only you. :)