Friday, August 15, 2014

No queue..

          Hello woozens, Katiekat00 here! Today I am going to talk about and interesting subject.. Let me ask you this.. What if we had no or lesser queue in Woozworld? I know what you are thinking... no way could this happen... but maybe it really could. You see, there is a game called club penguin, and it has multiple servers.. What if Woozworld had multiple servers? But, Club Penguin is a Disney game, so they probably have more money for the cost of those servers. Also, wouldnt it be hard to make a copy of all our unitz? Servers in Woozworld could solve most of our problems.. though. Lets star with Star Of The Week. We all know that other woozens can judge, and make there friends win sometimes. Many of you think this is unfair. There can be solutions. In an old disney game called Pixie Hollow, there was servers too, and they had a similiar game to SOTW. It was called Fashion Spotlight.. It had a little twist, though. There were no judges.. at all. The fairy called Marina, who has a somewhat character like Myawooz, Would visit one server at a time picking one fairy a server. And yes, they also had themes. Marina would pick about 4 winners.. one for each server. She wouldnt tell anyone until next day on the news board. Maybe this can cause a solution on Woozworld. I know she picked 4 winners, but maybe a voting podz could be set up to pick one star. One last way that can cause a solution to Star Of The Week, is no extra  servers, but just something else. Woozens can just take a picture of there woozen and send it to woozworld or something... I know it can be painful scrolling through the photos... What do you think? This maybe will work, maybe not. Just a wacky idea from yours truly.