Thursday, August 14, 2014

I'm Still Here... XD

Hey guys! Pinki here, Penguins told me that a lot of you think I quit. XD I didn't. Don't worry. I just don't post as often as Penguins. I'm usually the one editing the blog and adding more bloggers and stuff like that :P I'm still here though don't worry. Won't be quitting no time soon :) I'll try to blog more often for you guys though. She also told me some of you think Burst shut down O_O No. Never. Lol. It will be here for as long as it can. I guess we're just lacking a little on our updates and everything :/ We need some suggestions from YOU GUYS!! Tell us in the chat bar what you'd like to see (: Bye for now!!

(My sign off picture isn't loading)