Hello burtiess!! <3 Ashly again :*, ok so some of you may know, tommorow i am going on holiday!! Yayyy!! XD but im gonna miss 2 days of my trial blogging :( i have told pink shes fine with it x) Anyways me and mymom,dad,brothers,sister,cousin, baby,cousin,auntie and uncle, are going to blackpool! And i want to know if i should go on the pepsi max or not :3 i'm tall enough, but im scared what if the ride breaks!! Think of the positive.. Anyways if you havent saw already im bringing out a gallery of my designs and you can vote for 2 of your favourite ones that i should pass on to woozworld inc. I'll give you a sneaky little peak at one of my fav outfits x3
I called it 'Girly girl' dont know why just yea x) Here is the video i made with it