I have made the lovely decision to start posting outside of my chosen days, because blogging on Woozworld Burst has become more and more of a priority as I post, and I am truly indescribably grateful that I am making this major turn in my journey as a blogger. Speaking of big changes, I am quite sure that most of you noticed my new sign-off photo. I am absolutely thrilled at how it came out, and I definitely will be working harder and harder on my editing skills. Enough on that, let's talk about WNS. The main reason I've been posting about WNS, is because it is a special event that is favored by many woozens, and lots of news about it comes up everyday, why not give you all the scoop?

As you all may know, the WNS Label Team Winners were chosen last night, August 19th. All Team Members were announced on the blog, and they all recieved achievements, which they all proudly posted on their WallZ. Setting aside that for a moment, there's more to WNS than just winning, it's about the fashion too! MyaWooz just made a lovely announcement including the fact that Z-Chic has recently just been updated with the Woozband's new WNS hair!
Before I end this post, I'd like to say that I am loving WNS so far, and hopefully you are too! See you on Friday!