Monday, August 25, 2014

Chillerr, Vs, and hmmm

 Hello every woozen!
 I am back once again with another post to share with all of you lovely woozens.
I have been thinking... and now I got my thought. The pros and cons of the Woozworld app!
Pros +     Cons -
+ Faster connection
- Crashes.. alot.. unexpectedly!!
+ When you vote you get beex still
- Hard to click moves fastly
+ Amazing graphics and animation
- No marketplace, No woozpets :(
+ Woozin
- A challenge to teleport
+ Heh.. I admit, we get free easier and faster.. sometimes!
- No spellz -.- Even worse... NO PICTURES!! :(
+ We get music!
- bugs...  bugs.... BUGS!!
And those were some pros and cons for the Woozworld app. Did I miss any? State yours in the comments section! Eheheh... thanks for reading this.. wow, its raining! OK ok ill stop. Uhm. My name is Katiekat00 on Woozworld, see you later woozens!  Oh and the title... erm I said chiller because it is almost Fall! September 23rd or 22nd I believe, woozens!