Friday, August 22, 2014
Bullying Is Out Of CONTROL
Hey guys it's me Jenny. I'm moving and i'm barely on because i'm packing...Jesus...It's sad how alot of you guys BULLY! I've actually be threaten that i will be EXPOSED. But i'm not calling out names. I'm just saying. I've been threaten that i will be EXPOSED for something i did not do. Just so you know my sister is sometimes on my account. So yea you can't blame everything on me because i'm usually not at HOME i'm outside with my REAL friends an not playing on this STUPID game! Okie? Now that you know stop saying i'm an liar. You don't know how i'm stressed out in life. People bully me in real life Because of my looks or even my ways. But don't judge an book by it's cover. Find your true inner self With your true inner friends. Don't go up to someone saying "Hey! Wanna be my friend! Let me tell you what goes down in my household! I'm an foster child! I'm kidnapped by an Chinese Indian! Shes mixed!" No... Don't do that...That's just dumb..You never know! People could try to steal your identity. So keep all that info to yourself on Woozworld in real life untill you find that true inner friend. You might even tell your friend your account info for woozworld. And guess what. 10 minutes later it's pass/email has changed. Now that you know the truth about Bullying an Exposing Stop it. Mostly on internet. It's awful and it's against the LAW. So if you want to end up behind bars continue what your doing. I'm not calling out names as i said again. Bullying Just Needs To STOP. Signing out. Bye Bye!