Thursday, May 1, 2014

Gossipz Tab Closing?

Hey Bursties! Life here, so did anyone else see the post Penguin and Pinki posted? I was shocked! I knew that this blog wouldn't do something like that! But what I didn't know is that it wasn't supposed to happen like that! It's all SUPER surprising! Well, at least they're trying to get rid of it. The tab only would bring a bad name to the blog, and MUCH drama. See..... we already lost a view of our viewers.. They should have found out what REALLY happen before they jumped to conclusions...

I honestly think that having a NEW admin from the start was a bad idea, who knows what could happen. But I know that we'll get back on out feet! <3   I noticed it was deleted, thankyou Penguins!! Well that's it from me c: Cya Bursties! ~!Life!~