Friday, May 23, 2014

Fast post...

Hey there! Ah, It tis' my time to post again.. I know your expecting a video edit... right.. Well it all started when.. Huh, just kidding! But really, with my finals and stuff, I have been getting.. let us just say I'm 'bout to pass out. I have had no time again to post a video, but since I am nice enough, I can give you some tips, please, PLEASE I see you right now. You are like "Ugh she did not post a video again? Ughhhhhhhhh". I am sorry. I know how everyone feels about school right now. For those elementary kids they might be taking it swell, but I have a tight schedule. I am thankful that I at least get to post, but I need to get back on topic. Lets just say I needed a break time thinker this week. After this post I am going to plan out two video edits for all of us, and since it is the last week of school next week, you're for sure to see a video! NOW I shall get back on the topic. Tips for video editing do's and dont's
Don't use a real camera to record your recording. When I mean real camera, I mean camera you HOLD, not the screen camera. This is so you do not get a blurry result and so you can edit easier. A screen recording you can try is hypercam. It may not be the best, but it works well.
Those bars on the side of some videos, you know, it just takes up some space! Try removing them because it just keeps attracting some of your viewers and they can miss the video.
If you are going to record your voice, I recommend audacity and like I said not your camera. When you are recording your voice, try to speak clearly. If you want some privacy in your voice, try making it a higher or lower pitch.
Take your time! Some videos can take days or even weeks to work on. I am still working on a video, D:. Notice that the person making the video has also other things on their hands such as family and or events, so don't expect something everyday
If you are making a music video, match it to the music. Every time a beat maybe a new move or a cool effect.
Keep the video simple! If the video is plane out crazy and doesn't fit the title.. uh... I think your viewers won't have any idea what is going on!
Watch out for young viewers. Think about the age group for your video. If it will be about many MANY things young kids don't know, put a warning and or age restriction on it. We don't want baby saying bleep to daddy, now don't we?
  That is all the tips for now. As you notice, these have some of my opinions in it, so you do not have to follow any of these. I just wanted to put some tips out their if anyone is just getting started! (like me...)
        About the title, this is not a fast post anymore... OOPS! I hope you have a good three day weekend! (If you get off on memorial day) and I hope most of you have a great time on the app. See you on Wednesday with a VIDEO, my little sun-shines! -heh heh hehh hehhh..... .,.-

Katiekat00  -call me dee-

And guess who finally got their sign off photo?!? WHO WHO WHO.. obviously it is me. :o