This problem is called: "One of my best friend problems."
This is the last year to do talent share and my friend wants to help out on this thing called "Field day" on that exact day. She told me after we signed up for the talent share. So i felt kinda "Gave up on". So at lunch i told her i didn't want to be a friend with somebody who gives up on me and she bursted out in tears. We made up but i feel like i messed up real bad. She never usually cries. I want to make it up to her. HELP!
Well, The mistake, it seems like you need to stop and think. I mean, everyone makes mistakes. But maybe it isn't the end of the world. To start off, re-apologize. Walk up to her. Explain your thoughts ONE more time. Even if she's sick of hearing it. If she doesn't want to hear your apology, give her some space. If you make up before the Field day and talent share, you can start by not doing the talent share and try out this field day. And she certainly did not "Give up" On you. Ask her how come she wants to do this "Field Day".
Hope i helped! If YOU have a problem, I'll help! Message me at: izzie556
So i was at What the Wooz?! And jenny was NOWHERE to be seen. She was invisible. -_- So she kept on DELETING the unit. But the woozen who was the quickest to click back got in without queue. Awesome right?! Haha...I was never that woozen...LAWL.
Any problems? Message me them at izzie556 and i might answer yours, but you will be totally anonymous.