HEYY FELLOW WOOZENS!! I'm hear with some news about monster high coming to woozworld! Isn't That great??? ;D The monster high quiz is now here, Give it a shot! Btw, the prize is a Honey swap cardboard cut out >_> ANYWAYY, Message me if you need help, Tell me what number question and What is the question. But you know whaaaaaat, Instead of that, Just click the purple podz ;) Anyway Mya is coming to her Monster high unitz TODAY, Introducing a Special Guest, Honey Swamp! DON'T miss it :D. What do you think of Honey Swap's Look? '.' 
I want her dress though. D: Don't miss out on the quiz, And lets be honest. You kind of don't like her look >_> Bye My Love Bears! <3 (Yes that's what Im calling you. Deal with it 8D) P.S: I'm a bigger monster high fan than all of you. ^.^ Jk xD