Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Late Post | Twins | Support

It's Selly.
First of all I would like to apologize (once again) for a late post. Unfortunately ever since school started I've been either smothered with social problems or ill, like just now. I couldn't even get out of bed! But, thankfully, I'm feeling a lot better now.

Have you seen the monster high hairs? :D They're cute, but too bad you can't color them... I don't wear any of those colors :(!

Before I got ill, I was the victim of a Woozworld prank xD I was just hanging out in one of those "Rare For Rare'' Trade centers, which - by the way - are great. :) And there's many of them, too. I was wearing my last outfit, when I saw two girls with the same ones, exactly same color!

I was like: Whaaaat? o.o Awkwaaard...
I asked them why were they wearing the same outfits in pc, and then I Took a photo xD One of them told me it was for a prank show, while the other said she just liked the outfit and the colors. I thank both of them for entertaining me and making me laugh, thanks to: XXXCatXXXukl, SwaggieStarz <3 :) THANKS!

And last for today: I've been seeing that our own blogger, KokoShine has been down lately. She's been considering quitting the blog and maybe WoozWorld, too because of people telling her to ''Go Die'', and lots of other mean things in the blog's chat box.

#1: Being mean to people over chats, games, and any type of virtual social network is considered Cyber bullying, which is becoming an even bigger problem nowdays, than it ever was! It's hurtful to many people's feelings and it isn't right.
#2: The WoozWorld Burst chat box is for chatting, having fun, interacting with other users as well as the bloggers, asking for help if needed, or simply giving feedback to the blog! It most definately isn't for bullying!   Got it? Any type of rude, offensive or mean comments will be deleted immediately by the blog's owners.
#3: Koko is kind, sensitive and emotional, like all of us are, So why insult her? Hurting someone else shouldn't make you feel better guys!

To KokoShine: Girl, you're awesome. Your posts rock, and give really cool tips! Please, don't listen to those people.. They're just some - cough.. Can't swear in my posts.... cough- who don't have anything better to do in their lives than to insult you, a great and kind and beautiful girl who deserves all the best <3 Stay strong, you have the bursties' support! :)

- SelenaGomez6428 (Selly :3)