Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why the burst am I so happy?

Note: The post is also for people that have not been on Woozworld for a while... Hey guys! Why am I so happy today!?!?!?! BECAUSE I GET TO POST AGAIN! So enough about me, i'm sure you would like to know what's happening in Woozworld...

Okay so the Valentine Day Outfits have been out for what now.. a week? Here is what they look like:
If your wondering why there is black outlining the dress.. that's because I wanted to be able to also show you my favorite piece of the girls clothing!!

Valentines day is only 5 days away! If your spending the Holiday's with your special someone ... here's  18 steps to catch their eye.. ;) (also includes some steps at the end if you do not have a special someone) 

  • Pink and red scrap or construction paper
  • A bag (Zip lock)
  • A very tiny rose (Optional)
  • Scissors
  • Markers, Gel pens, Pencil crayons and DEFINITELY a pencil (You chose.. except for the pencil, you'll need that) 
  • Glue
  • Do this before hand: Go to school (if your still in it), ask the teacher if you can borrow the stapler and then staple the pink piece of paper and the bag together!
  1. Cut out two little hearts with the red paper
  2. Glue them to the pink piece of paper
  3. Write on one of them IN PENCIL "Will you be my Valentine?" 
  4. Trace the words in Markers, Gel Pens or Pencil Crayons
  5. Take the tiny rose and place it in the bag
  6. If you do not have a tiny rose, the rest of the steps will tell you what to do
  7. With the red paper, Cut out a regular sized rose shaped piece
  8. Draw in some squiggly lines on the inside to make it look like this:
  9. Next, at the bottom, take a green and color it in.. that's where the stem is!
  10. Than put the rose into the bag!!
  11. Wait! Your not finished!!! Your going to need another bag, a pencil and a piece of normal piece of paper
  12. Write this specifically on the piece of paper: Answer Sheet: Yes { }Definitely{ } TOTALLY { }
  13. That's supposed to be sort of a joke... but only put that if you guys are already dating.. if your not read step 14!
  14. If you guys are not yet partners.. write this specifically: Answer Sheet: Yes { } No { } Maybe { } 
  15. Place the answer sheet in the baggy
  16. Place the baggy inside with the rose 
  17. Give it to your partner than calmly walk away (only if you are partners. If not than read step 18)
  18. Give it to him/her .. than make a run for it. If you are in the same class.. he/she might give you back the answer sheet!

Well I know it was 18 steps... sorry about that! You don't have to do it my way! If you want to do it however.. just think of your own! I think it's pretty romantic!

So yeah that was all for today! Your guys are pretty amazing if you read this WHOLE entire thing! :)

Bai bai for now! 

TayeaLovesYou xx