Okay so the Valentine Day Outfits have been out for what now.. a week? Here is what they look like:
If your wondering why there is black outlining the dress.. that's because I wanted to be able to also show you my favorite piece of the girls clothing!!
Valentines day is only 5 days away! If your spending the Holiday's with your special someone ... here's 18 steps to catch their eye.. ;) (also includes some steps at the end if you do not have a special someone)
- Pink and red scrap or construction paper
- A bag (Zip lock)
- A very tiny rose (Optional)
- Scissors
- Markers, Gel pens, Pencil crayons and DEFINITELY a pencil (You chose.. except for the pencil, you'll need that)
- Glue
- Do this before hand: Go to school (if your still in it), ask the teacher if you can borrow the stapler and then staple the pink piece of paper and the bag together!
- Cut out two little hearts with the red paper
- Glue them to the pink piece of paper
- Write on one of them IN PENCIL "Will you be my Valentine?"
- Trace the words in Markers, Gel Pens or Pencil Crayons
- Take the tiny rose and place it in the bag
- If you do not have a tiny rose, the rest of the steps will tell you what to do
- With the red paper, Cut out a regular sized rose shaped piece
- Draw in some squiggly lines on the inside to make it look like this:
- Next, at the bottom, take a green and color it in.. that's where the stem is!
- Than put the rose into the bag!!
- Wait! Your not finished!!! Your going to need another bag, a pencil and a piece of normal piece of paper
- Write this specifically on the piece of paper: Answer Sheet: Yes { }Definitely{ } TOTALLY { }
- That's supposed to be sort of a joke... but only put that if you guys are already dating.. if your not read step 14!
- If you guys are not yet partners.. write this specifically: Answer Sheet: Yes { } No { } Maybe { }
- Place the answer sheet in the baggy
- Place the baggy inside with the rose
- Give it to your partner than calmly walk away (only if you are partners. If not than read step 18)
- Give it to him/her .. than make a run for it. If you are in the same class.. he/she might give you back the answer sheet!
Well I know it was 18 steps... sorry about that! You don't have to do it my way! If you want to do it however.. just think of your own! I think it's pretty romantic!
So yeah that was all for today! Your guys are pretty amazing if you read this WHOLE entire thing! :)
Bai bai for now!