Hey Hai Guys ! ^.^ Maddy here ( aka princessmiawok ). Its's been a heck of a week !!!! So, first a huge congratz to swaguja! the new SOTW ^.^
Anyway so almost everyone is back at school again , and who knew that
u guyz some jokes about what to do in school when your bored
-Every time a teacher asks a question , raise your hand , and then say " i forgot " -Point at the window ,scream "Super MAN!!" , when everybody looks , say " Oh no! He flew away .-. "
-Pretend your harry potter and your scar hurts
next -When the teacher comes in the class , shout "
middle of a class , and when the teacher comes over to say "stop" , say " Oh no ( teachers name ) , That isnt a good dare " and continue playing. -Bring a Twilight book to school , go on a random page , turn the book upside down and shout as loud as you can " BELLA AND EDWARD DID EXACTLY WHAT ?!?!?" -Randomly sit down on the floor -When a new teacher comes in your class for the first time , go over to her and ask her is she in slytherin or not ? -Scream at random ppl for being nice -.- -Play air guitar -Pretend or act to be like the class pet -Sit on the floor and beg for money
So guys that was all , and FYI all credits go to a unknown source ( me ) , which to everyone's surprise is famous , cute , a singer , and a blogger :P .
So guys that was all see you guys saturday , any suggestions anything at all just click the link which is down .-. bye guys :D

Swaguja ( on the left ) and Myawooz ( on the right ) smile for the camera :)
Add me at : http://www.woozworld.com/p/Princessmiawok#!wall ^.^ click tht add button To get a shoutout next week answer these questions , and message me ^.^
From the above , which were your fav?
Do you do any of the above?
What random ( funny) thing do you do in class when your boreD?
MADDY OUT :D and one more thing dont forget to ...umm Put your hands up in the air saying drrraaco :D xD