Friday, August 19, 2016
Looking back at the blog I think the owner quit. I am not sure but I was gonna help keep the blog up but I have no access to anything but post. I couldn't edit the website for your guys and that isn't fair. I made a new blog that I hope you guys will like I will keep posted on all things Woozworld. I hope you guys like Woozkinz
Hey guys. Didn't I say I quit? Heck no I am back and changed my color code. If you look back at my other picture I look way different. It's Pinella here bringing you a scoop of my life. I haven't really done anything but made more friends then I had before obviously roasting some people like usual. The funny thing is the day after I quit quite a few people recognized me from this blog so I guess I could become a little bit known by posting more on this. I tried getting Mya's late night show but I didn't bother. I have some good offers for my future on Woozworld I will do a post later today when it happens.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Hellooo everyone, i am soo sorry me not posting for a long time. I now am just a tiny bit busy but yeah ill still post as much as i can. Sooooooooooooooooooo, summers kinda ending soon and i just thought and thought on something to do thats summery and that will not make people sit and play woozworld for hours. I had a amazing holiday in Greece and Morocco and i just thought some people cant afford/is not really allowed to do stuff so im going to tell you some really awesome and affordable things to do to end summer 2016.
Go to the park!
Now if you live in like Britain or something, you cant just find a theme park right around the corner. What i do is i ask a few friends to come, bring swimming suits, have a picnic and just have fun! It wont be the funnest thing you have done but im leaving my friends so it was nice having a end of year picnic. And just act like a child basically when your in the playground cuz thats what i do!
Make a den
This is probably my favourite thing to do! All you have to do is invite some friends and spend the rest of your day making a den. Its absolutely worth it and you can decorate it with anything you want. Also you can have a sleepover with your friends, i did this before and inside my den we put the TV and we had loads of food and it was just amazing.
Alot of DIYS are getting really popular these days such as: DIY Slime, DIY Stress balls, DIY Fairy Jars and just DIY summer room decorations. You only need a few ingredients which are affordable. I Spent days making these things and now my room looks like a pinterest designed room. These are fun to make and i sometimes make these with friends (we made these at a sleepover and it was sooooo fun)
Go to starbucks/costa/any cold drink place or ice cream place
This is also one of my favourite things to do. When it gets really hot, you neeeeeed to have like a drink so i walk to starbucks (which takes like 20 mins for me) and its just sooooooo refreshing and stuff. Im also on a diet this summer and im also vegan this summer like actual vegan so i sometimes like to make my own smoothie and it tastes delicious! i normally have it with a salad and its amazing. I love posting drinks on instagram, it makes my pictures look so professional.
(caramel frappe = goodness)
Okay so i dont think i have space for more (well i do but i think i shall stop speaking cuz im making you guys bored) but yaaaa i have returned so go tell your friends, your friends neighbours, your neighbours friend and so on..
I wanna say Congratulations to Classiest! for winning the WNS lyric thingy.
See you next time. Guys message me things to post. idk really now what to post so message redsnowflake, See ya next time BAIIII xx
Go to the park!

Make a den


Go to starbucks/costa/any cold drink place or ice cream place
This is also one of my favourite things to do. When it gets really hot, you neeeeeed to have like a drink so i walk to starbucks (which takes like 20 mins for me) and its just sooooooo refreshing and stuff. Im also on a diet this summer and im also vegan this summer like actual vegan so i sometimes like to make my own smoothie and it tastes delicious! i normally have it with a salad and its amazing. I love posting drinks on instagram, it makes my pictures look so professional.
Okay so i dont think i have space for more (well i do but i think i shall stop speaking cuz im making you guys bored) but yaaaa i have returned so go tell your friends, your friends neighbours, your neighbours friend and so on..
I wanna say Congratulations to Classiest! for winning the WNS lyric thingy.
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Hi fab peeps! Sorry that i haven't been active for liek 2 weeks, i will make up for that. Im just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy in July and June like literally its probably the busiest year ever for me. Im moving to Canada IN TORONTO IN SEPTEMBER! Cause of us leaving the EU, we just think we need a new start. ANYWAYS i just wanna say sorry for my absence. IM SORRY I WILL POST SOON IDK WHEN PROBABLY IN THE BEGINNING OF JULY SOWWY IM BUSY LIKE HECK. SEE YOU SOON.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
HAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY UNICORNS! Today i will be talking about the new girl outfits. Ookay so lets start with the first one......
This outfit is modelled by the fabulous cutenhot (cuz shes cute and hot). Now the hair is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty. If you turn you see a fishtail and i absolutely love fishtails, i do them on my hair all the time! The earrings add detail, i like this hair. Okay so i just noticed this is not the lory dress so here is the actual dress! Ookay i found one and this is the dress, you cans see it a bit. I like this dress especially the bottom with the flowy kind of bits. and i loaf the top bit it has like a little wavy pattern or something and i looooooooaf it. The skirt is liek a normal skirt its quite a longer skirt but yea. The heels are quite cute and short! i like this outfit.
Im guessing by the name woozworld wanted something inspired by ariel. Okay so i dont really see anyone wearing the dress or hair so i just used jennys head. Okay the hair is like idk i think it looked better in the drawing of this outfit. Which is this. I am just so dumb i could of used these photos to show the outfits instead of me wondering around woozworld .-. The dress is just not me its like too thin like literally it looks like a mermaid tail. If woozworld wanted a mermaid tail just put a mermaid tail instead of this really thin thing. The pants are just leggings .-. idk what to say about those so.. I like the heels! they have like some stars on it and it matches the necklace and earrings. I think i might like lory more it kinda reminds me of finding dory idk. I know that there are some like tomboys out there who dont like dresses so we should of had this girl outfit for one of them but i guess no one voted for it which was sad cause i find it different.
Anyways i will be posting an outfit ideas post with the outfit of the week and star or the week. GUYS WEAR YOUR BEST OUTFITS IF YOU WANNA BE OUTFIT OF THE WEEK!
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Prom and Star of the week winner
HAII MA LITTLE FRENCH FRIES! Its reddy red red (redsnowflake) anddd tooday i will just be talking about stuff cuz im a talkative person. So ill start with the star of the week winner. CONGRATZ TO................................ ISABELLTHAO! I really love your colour code!
OOkay so now i would like to talk about prom. So i dont really go for prom queen but its a new year so i would love to take a try even though i know no one will vote me. But its worth a try! I am Redsnowflake and im kind of a shy person on woozworld yet funny. I dont really chat to people as I can find anti bullying bad and wrong. I decided to go ahead and go for prom queen because im not really that popular, im not perfect im just myself. I would love to be out there if i ever get chosen for prom queen id probably cry like im not that famous or anything. I would absolutely love it if you guys supported me like i do to everyone else. I would just love it if i could stand out in the crowd for once. Thank you, ily guys.

Monday, June 13, 2016
BAACK from Norfolk and outfit ideas
Haii kawaii potatoes! I am back and extremely tired from Norfolk as a school trip! I literally loved it there! the seals were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! Soo i will be showing some more outfits that i find pretty and cute and affordable.
Ookay this outfit is probably the most amazing yet bootiful outfit ever! So this is a outfit thats not really affordable but if you save up, you will be able to get this. So the hair is VIP hytgvfrdsoueu and this hair is really cute when you have something to match it! it really suits this outfit. The face is called doll face and i literally love this face! its just so cute its basically the new cutie face with makeup. You can use a different face though like manga, esq cutie face with make up. The top is called emma sweater with choker and this top is like the best top ever! I just love the back when you turn there is a heart and its cuteeeeeeeeeeeee. The shorts are wns shorts and these babies work with any top! The shoes are called tattoo sandals and these sandals suit with everything, they are really cute too! I forgot the name of this person. FORGIVE MEE :(
This bootiful girl (me) outfit is fab. Her hair is called VIP jeanette hair and i find this hair really cute like i love the bow. ISH ADORBS. The top is called savant blouse with cut outs and this top really is cute i love it so much i just dont like mine cuz of the colour but yah thats life when people colour their stuff in random colours. The skirt is called Savant wrap skirt. this skirt is really really nice i absolutely love it! it also goes really nicely with ziggy tank top so you guys can try that. The sandals are called sandrine sea star sandals. I basically use these with my outfits they are really nice with like summery outfits.
This outfit is a more affordable outfit (sort of) The hair is called sporty hair with cap and this hair is really good, i love it so much, it just kinda matches all my outfits. its a nice summery kind of hair. The face is called esqueleta face and you cant really buy it now cuz its non transferable but i know loads of people who have like thousands but if you dont have one you can just wear like doll face, manga cat eyes or like other faces. The tops called Hip hot jacket and its in the shops so you can buy it (for wooz) The jeans are called Hollyxooz jeans and these are in shops too and they are very cute and they basically suit everything. The shoes are called cactough sneakers and they make my outfits pwetty. You could just use different shoes too. I wanna go to sleep now (from norfolk) so ill make a part 2 soon.
Outfit of the week: I Have started to do outfit of the week. Today the winner is............... vhiel! For her amazing and fascinating and bootiful outfit!
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Hey guys! sorry i didnt post for liek 4 days, i am currently in Norfolk for a school trip (end of tests present) and im enjoying it! I wont be posting until Tuesday because ill be back on Monday but ill probably be sleeping. Ookay so the new outfits came out and ima review the girls ones (sorry i dont do he boys because idk what boys like)
Okay so the hair IS CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE like super omg its just aqua hair but with a cute accessory! The dress is cute, it matches the hair accessory! and its just cute and nice! So the skirt is okay like i dont really like skirts, i think this skirt would look nice with like a crop top or something. The Heels are ADORABLE they are high and cuteee i love them i really want them so im begging my mum if i can buy the new outfits (ALL OF THEM).
The hair is Okay i guess, Id rather want the marina ponytail than the bun but i like the starfish it adds detail! it kind of reminds me of sigrid bun. The top is cute! i love the 2 seashells it has the same style of the marina outfit idk which i like more marina or majorly marina! The skirt is just a normal casual skirt that i wouldnt wear much if it was in my inventory. The heels just remind me of ballerina heels but they have a little star on them which i find reallly cute! Ookay sorry guys no one was wearing this outfit so i didnt have a pic .-. apart from the hair
Ookay so i love all the laguna outfits i will never have a favourite! The hair is super super cute as always i just think limitless is a tiny bit better because it just has a small star on it which just makes it win. The dress is basically like laguna dress but its just shorter i think the longer one is cuter though idk why its just nicer as a gown. The skirt and the shoes are the same as laguna so idk .-. Wow okay so no one actually wears these outfits now i find it ANNOYING GRRR! so i dont have a picture.
Now its time for the Unikz hairs.
Okay so i dont like VIP Harriet but i like this, I just find the braid cute and the antlers fab. I love braids they just rock!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
New outfits (GIRLS) and Star of the week winner
Hey everyone its red (redsnowflake) and sorry i haven't been posting for a while because it was the half term so me and my family went to Spain in Barcelona. so lets start with the new outfits!
Okay so the hair is like really really really really CUTE i love the two different colours and that its short because in woozworld theres not that much short hairs which are nice and this is just amazing. Its so cute for the prom outfit. The dress is ADORABLE, I love how the starfish adds detail and I love how its short like i hate some prom dresses because they are really long, i would just wear something short and something i could wear and look really really cute at the same time. The skirt is basically like a tutu and its cuteee it would look nice with like a crop top. The sandals are cute i like them, they look nice with the dress!
Okay so lets start with ze hair. Okay so the hair is just a basic ponytail but still cute, id probably choose the ponytail that jay made than this one because its just too basic really like theres not really any hairs coming out or anything but its cute. The top is probably my favourite thing about this outfit, i just like it, its CUTEE. The skirt is kinda boring, i dont think it really suits with the top much, not really a fan of it. The sandals are really cute they have some small stars on them and its just adorableeeeee!
Okay so this hair is amazing i literally love it soooooo much its soooooo pretty AND ITS JUST SOO FABULOUS i would wear this to prom in real its fabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. The dress is cute it has scales on it which matches the under the sea prom choice. The skirt is actually cute i love the cute scales ITS CUTEE. The heels are cute i like the middle detail thingy. Thank you to Blackvixen for modelling the laguna outfit (ADD HER PEEPS)
Okay and before i finish i just wanna say congratz to nikkimath! for winning star of the week your outfit was on fleek!
Okay and thats all today bye llamas!
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Wacky Wednesday And Vip hairs
Haii Fab people so today Ill be reviewing the wacky Wednesday and the new VIP monthly hairs. Ill start of with the Wacky Wednesday, so I didn't really like this week and so did a lot of people because the ones this week came on loads of time when the prom started so yeah. And they could of at least put a different prom outfit like promenade or glitter n glow or something like that. I Like the idea of having prom outfits but not ones that have been in shopz A MILLION times. So the outfits are Prom swan, King Bling and 2 of these glamz outfits.
Next is the VIP hairs so firstly the boy hair which is called VIP Mew-Zakuro and I find it cute I like the style and that its two toned Its cute for a boy and it absolutely looks adorable with esq face! Sadly my VIP ended a week ago so i didn't get it :( But yeah this hair looks really cutee and fab.
Okay next hair is VIP hytgvfrdsoueu Okay so this name IS DIFFICULT WHY COULD'NT THEY JUST CALLED IT POTATOEBDDKSYDJSHAQWERTYUIOP Or something. This is a pretty hair I like the way its long and curly - i like hairs like that and I like the headband and the really really really cute bow. The hair out is a very nice detail its pretty I LITERALLY LOVE IT I WANT IT! It looks really cute with the klassy face. Okay guys Its time to say Goodbye to the very best people in the world - Ill probably do a review of the new outfits tomorrow or maybe on Friday Cuz i know i keep on posting BUT I HAVE NOO LIFE and as I live in Cambridge - In England the weather is being sad and funny so i have to stay inside. .-. ANYWAYS BYE MY LOVELY UNICORNS AND ALPACAS AND POTATOES - WE WILL MEET AGAIN OKAY I WONT DIE!
Monday, May 30, 2016
New Faces And A Few Things
HAY POTATOES AND UNICORNS! Its Red (Redsnowflake) here for like another thing really. I cant believe that they are actually updating woozworld with like new things in shopz like favourites and carts like this kinda reminds me of MSP! Okay so today they decided to put limited faces in store, I was really exited for these but once i wore it, I looked ugley BUTTT it was cuz I am ugly! Okay so yah thats the story really. Here are my OWN Opinions about these faces!
Okay Next face!
Okay i dont really know what to say about this one cuz im like not a boy but okay here goes a random rubbish weird girls opinion. So this face reminds me of Claude face like the beard but I think Claude face is better to be honest cause the beard shows more (i dunno if that makes sense or not) but yeahhh. The eyes are kinda i dunno weird they are too like closed (WHAT AM I SAYING) Right the eyebrows O MER GAWD, IM SO JEALOUS LIKE I CANT EVEN DO MY OWN EYEBROWS IN REAL LIKE GAWSH okay ima stop. Okay so I was stalking my friends like I always do and I went in Xxrockygirlcute and she said: "SOMEONE GIFT ME ZEN FACE I NEED TO BE MY TEACHER" I KIND OF DIED OKAY? ANYWAYS Goodbye My fellow unicorns buh byee!
Girl face: Klassy face with makeup
Okay so this face is kinda cute I literally love how it looks on some people I spotted like: Cider, Blondie1999, annysarx and more! im like really jealous to be honest cuz I HATE MY EYE COLOUR CODES they are literally weird okay? My model is beautiful Cider :D Okay so I LITERALLY LOVE POINTY EYEBROWS, THESE BABIES ARE ON POINT OKAY like wow bam bam wow. Now the eyes are cute but i dunno they could improve a bit i dunno really. The nose is absolutely cute liek soo tiny and cute like a wittle unicorn! and the lips are very pwetty its on fleek okay. THANKS CIDER BTW YOUR COLOUR CODE IS BEAUTIFUL OKAY PURE BEAUTY!
Boy face: Zen face with stubble
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Outfit Ideas Week 1 (GIRLS)
Hola mi fellow woozens! It's me again Janella! cx
SO as I said I will be making Outfit Ideas posts! (Yay!) So I finally did find 4 Woozens that I think you guys would like. I'll be posting them in 2 seperate posts. This post will contain the girl outfits! Yayyyy! SO HERE THEY ARE! Btw, these items are quite pricey. But I'll make sure that next week I'll find outfits that are affordable and KAWAII! cx
Outfit # 1: This outfit is modeled by Anime-freak1432
So her outfit mostly consists of the Buttercup items by Babykiou apart from her face which is Esqueleta (Sadly Esqueleta is not possible to buy yet since it was hacked and Woozworld had to make it non-transferable. But if you can't get a hand of the Esqueleta face you can also use Doll/Dolloween face or the Manganese Cat Eyes.) and her shoes which are the Costa Skate shoes. :) Her colors of maroon looks wonderful as it has a edgy feel to it but having the hair look 'flowy' makes it also really cute. :)
Outfit # 2: This outfit is modeled by vs-pink.
Her outfit has a flower person kind of feel. (Which matches the background cx.) Her colors of white and green is a really good combination as it's just a subtle but powerful look. (GO FLOWERS CX) Her outfit consists of the Magnolia Bun which is very cute as it has a polished but stylish way. And it compliments her clothes. :) The face she uses is the Doll Face. Her top is the Poppy Sweater and Coat by BethanyRAWR. Her shorts are the WNS Pop Shorts. And for her feet are the Sandals with Tattoos.
I could go on and on and on at how cute these outfits are but some of you might just click out. CX So yeah! I hope you guys love these Outfits I chose for you guys. And for them boyssssss, Cx You guys will get your Outfits posted TOMORROW. YES! TOMORROW! So keep an eye peeled out for that!
I will see you guys Tomorrow for another post! SEE YAAA FELLOW LLAMAS! CX
HAII LOVELY POTATO/UNICORNS/ALPACAS/HUMANS/LLAMAS/ALIENS Its Redsnowflake (RED) here and im kinda bored so I decided to do a thing ill be doing quite a lot now which is OUTFIT IDEAS cuz i know some people out there never know what to wear (me) so I decided to give some ideas (some are random people who have really cute outfits I really love)
Okay so this outfit is sooo cute like i love it with all its pretty colours! The Hair is called Poppy curls and i find the hair SOO CUTE LIKE IT GOES WITH EVERY OUTFIT! The top is called Buttercup crop and cardi, i find this top really cute I wear it with all my outfits. The shorts are called WNS shorts and yup this suits with every outfit I think they are like the best shorts on this game. And it doesn't really show but the shoes are tattoo sandals and omg THESE ARE LIFE! I don't know why i love them so much they are just fab okay? Thank you to the fabulous model SunSet916!
HEY GUYS! Whoops hahaha. Hola! So my name is Janella. Nobl3cu4 on woozworld! Hello to those who know me hehey! I'm a woman of crazy ideas. CX And seriously if someone does actually comment an idea for me to do I WILL do it! cx
SO first off I'll probs post at around 9pm PST. SO keep an eye out for that!
SO my ideas will mostly be posted here hahah. Here are some that I might pursue:
SO first off I'll probs post at around 9pm PST. SO keep an eye out for that!
SO my ideas will mostly be posted here hahah. Here are some that I might pursue:
- Outfit of the Week! Here's how it would work. Every week, on Woozworld I'll be making a unitz named " Woozworld Burst's Outfit of the Week " and you might get a chance to have your Woozen here.
- Outfit Ideas. I would usually go around Woozworld to find an outfit other Woozens can easily find and afford.
That's it for now fellow Woozens! I'll be posting every Friday and Sunday at 9pm PST. That's all and I'll see you guys next time! Buh byeeeeee! :*
Thursday, May 26, 2016
New Outfits
Hello everyone! This is redsnowflake (red) and I said that I would be posting my OWN opinions about the new outfits in store so here dey are.....
Now this one is probably my most favorite outfit. This was by Dreamilicious and its absolutely beautiful I am literally dying this is amazing! The hair is absolutely fabulous like omg im dead its such a beauty I love the earrings and the actual hairstyle is just wonderful! The top is sooo nice its probably what i wear everyday like so casual and cute at the same time! The shorts are cute I just love how theres some sunglasses hanging off the pocket its just soo cute! The shoes were cut out in this picture but they were lovely!
Now the next outfit!
Now i didnt have a picture for this cuz no one was wearing but anyways the hair is really really cute i always wanted a cute cute braid for woozworld i guess dreams do come true! this is absolutely cute for summer! the dress is really really cute i love the top bit i think its like a necklace it suits the outfit its so lovely! The skirt is a basic cute skirt that you can wear with cute tops and the shoes are like perfect for the outfit they are so cool for the summer.
Anyways ill be posting soon ily all ty for support bye!
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Vote Me!
Hello everyone, while I am still trying to get comfortable with blogging I wanted to post today to discuss that this June , there will be Prom. Unlike last year I decided to take the step and try to be nominated and wanted to put my name out there in the crowds and hopefully, you guys might vote me. I might be going crazy trying to ask for votes. But I just wanted to go out there and do something different other then standing in the crowd. So please,
Vote Pinella for Prom Queen 2k 16
Meeting Redsnowflake!
Hi everyone! I am redsnowflake but you can call me red. I am officially a new blogger to woozworld burst and im enjoying it already! Here’s a few things about me:I am 15 but nearly 16 years old! I live in England In a city called Cambridge and I absolutely love it there, it is so pretty and quiet. My colour code in woozworld is like grey and white and blonde hair (even though I have black hair in real and I normally wear bright colours) if you haven’t yet, go ahead and add me! To my friends I am kind and loving and friendly and that’s how I want it to be with you guys! My favourite colour is mint green or rose gold because I find them just so cute! I am a Muslim I know a bit of Bangladeshi and Swedish and a tinyy bit of Malaysian. My favourite food is sushi cuz why not? I am so delightful that I got chosen to be a blogger I will be posting soon with things. Hope to see you soon! xox
Friday, May 20, 2016
Welcoming Pinella
Of course it is a big deal that someone has joined Woozworld Burst. I mean honestly, if your a Woozworld fan and you search up a lot of stuff on google. You are bound to find this amazing blog. I was quite stumbled when the owner asked me to come in. Although she was just looking for members. I still took that invitation to heart and can't wait to see the other people joining. I don't really know what to post about. Not gossip, that is just not me as a person. But I will be posting every Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesdays I was thinking of just doing things at the random. While every Thursday reviewing the new outfits that come out weekly. I really hope to bring alot of fame and success to this Blog and I can only provide effort. So stick with me. Little more on the personal side.Hello, My name is Pinella, I am 15 years old and live in West Florida somewhat near the beach. I am a pretty much indoor person and I love to spend some time on Woozworld. Brown hair lays upon my real head but in Woozworld I settle for a light blonde. My favorite color is green, which just so happens to be my main color code. I am part Italian and I love me some plain pizza. I always have ice tea next to me, also I don't look for a relationship in Woozworld or in reality. I hope to become somewhat known to others in Woozworld.
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